Mirpur Municipality was established on 17th May 1998 as 'C' category Municipality. Its area is approximately 9.22 sq km. This municipality consists of 8 mouzas and 9 wards. There are about 21653 people here. Male 10,811 and female 10,882 Mirpur Municipality has about 10 kilometer paved roads, 10 kilometer Hbb and 14 kms of mud roads. There are 101 roads in this street. There are government girls' schools 01, non-government primary school boys 03, non-governmental girls school 02, government primary school boys 03, NGO operated schools, and 04 madrasas. The rate of education in Mirpur Municipality is about 42 percent. There are areas in the Border Group of Bangladesh in this municipality. There is a 50-bed hospital. People here use around 95 sanitary latrines.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS